globally utilized structures and enumerations More...
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "readerwriterqueue.h"
#include "atomicops.h"
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Classes | |
struct | ResetInfo |
Sample rate and bit-depth information that is passed during the reset( ) function. More... | |
struct | APISpecificInfo |
Identifiers, GUIDs and other strings and number id values, API specific. More... | |
struct | VectorJoystickData |
Incoming data from a vector joystick. More... | |
struct | GUIParameter |
Information that defines a single GUI parameter's possible values and ID. More... | |
struct | PresetParameter |
Information that defines a preset value as a control_ID::value data pair. More... | |
struct | PresetInfo |
struct | GUIUpdateData |
Information about a GUI update message; this is for sending GUI control information from the plugin core. It is not the optimal way to intelligently link or combine controls - use a sub-controller for that. This can be abused too, and create dangerous code. Make sure to see the example code before using this. More... | |
struct | HostMessageInfo |
struct | ChannelIOConfig |
Structure of a pair of channel format enumerators that set an input/output channel I/O capability. More... | |
struct | midiEvent |
Information about a MIDI event. More... | |
struct | MessageInfo |
Information that includes the message code as well as the message data. More... | |
struct | PluginInfo |
Structure that is used during the base class initilize( ) funciton call, after object instantiation is complete. This structure contains the path to the DLL itself which can be used to open/save files including pre-installed WAV files for sample based synths. More... | |
struct | CreateGUIInfo |
Structure that is used during GUI creation to safely pass information about the GUI size and interfaces. More... | |
struct | ParameterUpdateInfo |
Information about a paraemeter being updated. Used when bound variables are updated. Multiple advanced uses. More... | |
union | attributeValue |
Attribute value smashed down into a union. More... | |
struct | AuxParameterAttribute |
Information about auxilliary parameter details - purely customizeable. This uses the attributeValue union to set the attribute in multiple fashions without resorting to declaring multiple datatypes. More... | |
struct | HostInfo |
Information from the host that is updated on each buffer process cycle; includes BPM, time signature, SMPTE and other data. The values in the stock structure are consistent across most APIs, however others may be added (commnted out here) More... | |
struct | ProcessBlockInfo |
Structure for setting up block processing. More... | |
struct | ProcessBufferInfo |
Information package that arrives with each new audio buffer process cycle. Contains everything needed for one buffer's worth of data. More... | |
struct | ProcessFrameInfo |
Information package that arrives with each new audio frame; called internally from the buffer process function. More... | |
struct | AudioProcDescriptor |
Information package about the current DAW session. Sample rate and bit-depth of audio. More... | |
struct | PluginDescriptor |
Information package about the plugin itself, consisting mainly of simple strings and ID values. More... | |
struct | JSControl |
Information package a joystick or trackpad GUI interaction. More... | |
class | ICustomView |
Custom View interface to allow plugin core to create safe communication channels with GUI custom view objects. MANY uses! More... | |
class | IGUIWindowFrame |
Custom interface to allow resizing of GUI window; this is mainly used for the GUI designer. More... | |
class | IGUIView |
Custom interface to allow resizing of GUI window; this is mainly used for the GUI designer. More... | |
class | IGUIPluginConnector |
Custom interface so that GUI can pass information to plugin shell in a thread-safe manner. More... | |
class | IPluginHostConnector |
Custom interface to send the plugin shell a message from plugin core. More... | |
class | IMidiEventQueue |
Double buffered queue for MIDI messages. More... | |
class | IParameterUpdateQueue |
Interface for VST3 parameter value update queue (sample accurate automation) More... | |
Macros | |
#define | MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT 128 |
Enumerations | |
enum | pluginType { kFXPlugin , kSynthPlugin } |
Use this enum to identify the plugin category. More... | |
enum | aaxPlugInCategory { aaxPlugInCategory_None = 0x00000000 , aaxPlugInCategory_EQ = 0x00000001 , aaxPlugInCategory_Dynamics = 0x00000002 , aaxPlugInCategory_PitchShift = 0x00000004 , aaxPlugInCategory_Reverb = 0x00000008 , aaxPlugInCategory_Delay = 0x00000010 , aaxPlugInCategory_Modulation = 0x00000020 , aaxPlugInCategory_Harmonic = 0x00000040 , aaxPlugInCategory_NoiseReduction = 0x00000080 , aaxPlugInCategory_Dither = 0x00000100 , aaxPlugInCategory_SoundField = 0x00000200 , aaxPlugInCategory_HWGenerators = 0x00000400 , aaxPlugInCategory_SWGenerators = 0x00000800 , aaxPlugInCategory_WrappedPlugin = 0x00001000 , aaxPlugInCategory_Effect = 0x00002000 } |
Use this enum to identify the AAX plugin category. More... | |
enum | channelFormat { kCFNone , kCFMono , kCFStereo , kCFLCR , kCFLCRS , kCFQuad , kCF5p0 , kCF5p1 , kCF6p0 , kCF6p1 , kCF7p0Sony , kCF7p0DTS , kCF7p1Sony , kCF7p1DTS , kCF7p1Proximity , kCF8p1 , kCF9p0 , kCF9p1 , kCF10p0 , kCF10p1 , kCF10p2 , kCF11p0 , kCF11p1 , kCF12p2 , kCF13p0 , kCF13p1 , kCF22p2 } |
Use this enum to identify plugin channel formats. Steinberg calls these "speaker arrangements". More... | |
enum | auxGUIIdentifier { GUIKnobGraphic , GUI2SSButtonStyle , EnableMIDIControl , MIDIControlChannel , MIDIControlIndex , midiControlData , guiControlData } |
Identifier enum for aux parameter information. Not used in ASPiK though is used for RAFX plugins (not-exported) More... | |
enum | hostMessage { sendGUIUpdate , sendRAFXStatusWndText } |
Use this enum to identify a message to send to the plugin shell (host) More... | |
Message identifier for ASPiK Core messaging system. More... | |
enum | attributeType { isFloatAttribute , isDoubleAttribute , isIntAttribute , isUintAttribute , isBoolAttribute , isVoidPtrAttribute , isStringAttribute } |
AttributeType identifier for ASPiK PluginParameter auxilliary storage system. You are free to implement your own mechanism; this is an example. More... | |
Functions | |
std::string | numberToString (unsigned int number) |
converts unsigned int value to std::string | |
std::string | numberToString (int number) |
converts int value to std::string | |
std::string | numberToString (float number) |
converts float value to std::string | |
std::string | numberToString (double number) |
converts double value to std::string | |
std::string | boolToStdString (bool value) |
converts bool value to std::string | |
Variables | |
const uint32_t | DEFAULT_AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE = 64 |
const uint32_t | WANT_WHOLE_BUFFER = 0 |
globally utilized structures and enumerations