Classes | |
union | attributeValue |
Attribute value smashed down into a union. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | brickwallFilter { kBrickLPF , kBrickHPF , kBrickBPF , kBrickBSF } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set brickwall filter type for functions that need it. More... | |
enum class | edgeTransition { kFallingEdge , kRisingEdge } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the edge direction (rising or falling) of a transition band. More... | |
enum class | analogFilter { kLPF1 , kHPF1 , kLPF2 , kHPF2 , kBPF2 , kBSF2 } |
Use this strongy typed enum to set the analog filter type for the AnalogMagData structure. More... | |
enum | filterCoeff { a0 , a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 , c0 , d0 , numCoeffs } |
Use this enum to easily access coefficents inside of arrays. More... | |
enum | stateReg { x_z1 , x_z2 , y_z1 , y_z2 , numStates } |
Use this enum to easily access z^-1 state values inside of arrays. For some structures, fewer storage units are needed. They are divided as follows: More... | |
enum class | biquadAlgorithm { kDirect , kCanonical , kTransposeDirect , kTransposeCanonical } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the biquad calculation type. More... | |
enum class | filterAlgorithm { kLPF1P , kLPF1 , kHPF1 , kLPF2 , kHPF2 , kBPF2 , kBSF2 , kButterLPF2 , kButterHPF2 , kButterBPF2 , kButterBSF2 , kMMALPF2 , kMMALPF2B , kLowShelf , kHiShelf , kNCQParaEQ , kCQParaEQ , kLWRLPF2 , kLWRHPF2 , kAPF1 , kAPF2 , kResonA , kResonB , kMatchLP2A , kMatchLP2B , kMatchBP2A , kMatchBP2B , kImpInvLP1 , kImpInvLP2 } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the filter algorithm for the AudioFilter object or any other object that requires filter definitions. More... | |
enum class | dynamicsProcessorType { kCompressor , kDownwardExpander } |
Use this strongly typed enum to set the dynamics processor type. More... | |
enum class | delayAlgorithm { kNormal , kPingPong } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the delay algorithm. More... | |
enum class | delayUpdateType { kLeftAndRight , kLeftPlusRatio } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the delay update type; this varies depending on the designer's choice of GUI controls. See the book reference for more details. More... | |
enum class | generatorWaveform { kTriangle , kSin , kSaw } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the oscillator waveform. More... | |
enum | DFOscillatorCoeffs { df_b1 , df_b2 , numDFOCoeffs } |
Use this non-typed enum to easily access the direct form oscillator coefficients. More... | |
enum | DFOscillatorStates { df_yz1 , df_yz2 , numDFOStates } |
Use this non-typed enum to easily access the direct form oscillator state registers. More... | |
enum class | modDelaylgorithm { kFlanger , kChorus , kVibrato } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set modulated delay algorithm. More... | |
enum class | reverbDensity { kThick , kSparse } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the density in the reverb object. More... | |
enum class | vaFilterAlgorithm { kLPF1 , kHPF1 , kAPF1 , kSVF_LP , kSVF_HP , kSVF_BP , kSVF_BS } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the virtual analog filter algorithm. More... | |
enum class | distortionModel { kSoftClip , kArcTan , kFuzzAsym } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the waveshaper model for the Triode objects. More... | |
enum class | wdfComponent { R , L , C , seriesLC , parallelLC , seriesRL , parallelRL , seriesRC , parallelRC } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the wdfComponent type. More... | |
enum class | windowType { kNoWindow , kRectWindow , kHannWindow , kBlackmanHarrisWindow , kHammingWindow } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the windowing type for FFT algorithms that use it. More... | |
enum class | rateConversionRatio { k2x , k4x } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set up or down sampling ratios. More... | |
enum | VSTGUI::mouseAction { mouseDirUpAndDown , mouseDirUp , mouseDirDown } |
Use this enum to set the mouse behavior for kick button. More... | |
enum class | smoothingMethod { kLinearSmoother , kLPFSmoother } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the smoothing type. More... | |
enum class | taper { kLinearTaper , kLogTaper , kAntiLogTaper , kVoltOctaveTaper } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the control taper. More... | |
enum class | meterCal { kLinearMeter , kLogMeter } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set meter calibration. More... | |
enum class | controlVariableType { kFloat , kDouble , kInt , kTypedEnumStringList , kMeter , kNonVariableBoundControl } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the control's behavior; this tells the PluginParameter object how to interpret the control information (e.g. as float versus int). Note that you can set a PluginParameter as kNonVariableBoundControl to indicate that it is not bound to any variable. More... | |
enum class | boundVariableType { kFloat , kDouble , kInt , kUInt } |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the control's linked variable datatype (for automatic variable binding). More... | |
enum | pluginType { kFXPlugin , kSynthPlugin } |
Use this enum to identify the plugin category. More... | |
enum | aaxPlugInCategory { aaxPlugInCategory_None = 0x00000000 , aaxPlugInCategory_EQ = 0x00000001 , aaxPlugInCategory_Dynamics = 0x00000002 , aaxPlugInCategory_PitchShift = 0x00000004 , aaxPlugInCategory_Reverb = 0x00000008 , aaxPlugInCategory_Delay = 0x00000010 , aaxPlugInCategory_Modulation = 0x00000020 , aaxPlugInCategory_Harmonic = 0x00000040 , aaxPlugInCategory_NoiseReduction = 0x00000080 , aaxPlugInCategory_Dither = 0x00000100 , aaxPlugInCategory_SoundField = 0x00000200 , aaxPlugInCategory_HWGenerators = 0x00000400 , aaxPlugInCategory_SWGenerators = 0x00000800 , aaxPlugInCategory_WrappedPlugin = 0x00001000 , aaxPlugInCategory_Effect = 0x00002000 } |
Use this enum to identify the AAX plugin category. More... | |
enum | channelFormat { kCFNone , kCFMono , kCFStereo , kCFLCR , kCFLCRS , kCFQuad , kCF5p0 , kCF5p1 , kCF6p0 , kCF6p1 , kCF7p0Sony , kCF7p0DTS , kCF7p1Sony , kCF7p1DTS , kCF7p1Proximity , kCF8p1 , kCF9p0 , kCF9p1 , kCF10p0 , kCF10p1 , kCF10p2 , kCF11p0 , kCF11p1 , kCF12p2 , kCF13p0 , kCF13p1 , kCF22p2 } |
Use this enum to identify plugin channel formats. Steinberg calls these "speaker arrangements". More... | |
enum | auxGUIIdentifier { GUIKnobGraphic , GUI2SSButtonStyle , EnableMIDIControl , MIDIControlChannel , MIDIControlIndex , midiControlData , guiControlData } |
Identifier enum for aux parameter information. Not used in ASPiK though is used for RAFX plugins (not-exported) More... | |
enum | hostMessage { sendGUIUpdate , sendRAFXStatusWndText } |
Use this enum to identify a message to send to the plugin shell (host) More... | |
Message identifier for ASPiK Core messaging system. More... | |
enum | attributeType { isFloatAttribute , isDoubleAttribute , isIntAttribute , isUintAttribute , isBoolAttribute , isVoidPtrAttribute , isStringAttribute } |
AttributeType identifier for ASPiK PluginParameter auxilliary storage system. You are free to implement your own mechanism; this is an example. More... | |
Variables | |
const double | kCTCoefficient = 5.0 / 12.0 |
concave and/or convex transform correction factor | |
const double | kCTCorrFactorZero = pow(10.0, (-1.0/kCTCoefficient)) |
concave/convex transform correction factor at x = 0 | |
const double | kCTCorrFactorAnitZero = 1.0 / (1.0 - kCTCorrFactorZero) |
inverse concave/convex transform factor at x = 0 | |
const double | kCTCorrFactorUnity = 1.0 / (1.0 + kCTCoefficient*log10(1.0 + kCTCorrFactorZero)) |
concave/convex transform correction factor at x = 1 | |
const double | kCTCorrFactorAntiUnity = 1.0 / (1.0 + (-pow(10.0, (-1.0/kCTCoefficient)))) |
inverse concave/convex transform correction factor at x = 1 | |
const double | kCTCorrFactorAntiLog = kCTCoefficient*log10(1.0 + kCTCorrFactorZero) |
concave/convex transform correction factor | |
const double | kCTCorrFactorAntiLogScale = 1.0 / (-kCTCoefficient*log10(kCTCorrFactorZero) + kCTCorrFactorAntiLog) |
concave/convex transform scaling factor | |
const double | kPi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899 |
pi to 80 decimal places | |
const double | kTwoPi = 2.0*3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899 |
2pi to 80 decimal places | |
const float | GUI_METER_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MSEC = 50.f |
repaint interval; larger = slower | |
Audio Detector Constants | |
const uint32_t | ENVELOPE_DETECT_MODE_PEAK = 0 |
|x| | |
const uint32_t | ENVELOPE_DETECT_MODE_MS = 1 |
(1/N)|x|^2 | |
const uint32_t | ENVELOPE_DETECT_MODE_RMS = 2 |
SQRT((1/N)|x|^2) | |
const uint32_t | ENVELOPE_DETECT_MODE_NONE = 3 |
not used | |
const float | ENVELOPE_DIGITAL_TC = -4.6051701859880913680359829093687 |
ln(1%) | |
const float | ENVELOPE_ANALOG_TC = -1.0023934309275667804345424248947 |
ln(36.7%) | |
enum aaxPlugInCategory |
Use this enum to identify the AAX plugin category.
strong |
Use this strongy typed enum to set the analog filter type for the AnalogMagData structure.
enum attributeType |
AttributeType identifier for ASPiK PluginParameter auxilliary storage system. You are free to implement your own mechanism; this is an example.
enum auxGUIIdentifier |
Identifier enum for aux parameter information. Not used in ASPiK though is used for RAFX plugins (not-exported)
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the biquad calculation type.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the control's linked variable datatype (for automatic variable binding).
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set brickwall filter type for functions that need it.
enum channelFormat |
Use this enum to identify plugin channel formats. Steinberg calls these "speaker arrangements".
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the control's behavior; this tells the PluginParameter object how to interpret the control information (e.g. as float versus int).
Note that you can set a PluginParameter as kNonVariableBoundControl to indicate that it is not bound to any variable.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the delay algorithm.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the delay update type; this varies depending on the designer's choice of GUI controls. See the book reference for more details.
enum DFOscillatorCoeffs |
Use this non-typed enum to easily access the direct form oscillator coefficients.
enum DFOscillatorStates |
Use this non-typed enum to easily access the direct form oscillator state registers.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the waveshaper model for the Triode objects.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to set the dynamics processor type.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the edge direction (rising or falling) of a transition band.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the filter algorithm for the AudioFilter object or any other object that requires filter definitions.
enum filterCoeff |
Use this enum to easily access coefficents inside of arrays.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the oscillator waveform.
enum hostMessage |
Use this enum to identify a message to send to the plugin shell (host)
enum messageType |
Message identifier for ASPiK Core messaging system.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set meter calibration.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set modulated delay algorithm.
enum VSTGUI::mouseAction |
Use this enum to set the mouse behavior for kick button.
enum pluginType |
Use this enum to identify the plugin category.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set up or down sampling ratios.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the density in the reverb object.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the smoothing type.
enum stateReg |
Use this enum to easily access z^-1 state values inside of arrays. For some structures, fewer storage units are needed. They are divided as follows:
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the control taper.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the virtual analog filter algorithm.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the wdfComponent type.
strong |
Use this strongly typed enum to easily set the windowing type for FFT algorithms that use it.
const uint32_t ENVELOPE_DETECT_MODE_PEAK = 0 |
@AudioDetectorConstants @{
repaint interval; larger = slower
@GUITiming @{
const double kCTCoefficient = 5.0 / 12.0 |
concave and/or convex transform correction factor
const double kCTCorrFactorAnitZero = 1.0 / (1.0 - kCTCorrFactorZero) |
inverse concave/convex transform factor at x = 0
const double kCTCorrFactorAntiLog = kCTCoefficient*log10(1.0 + kCTCorrFactorZero) |
concave/convex transform correction factor
const double kCTCorrFactorAntiLogScale = 1.0 / (-kCTCoefficient*log10(kCTCorrFactorZero) + kCTCorrFactorAntiLog) |
concave/convex transform scaling factor
const double kCTCorrFactorAntiUnity = 1.0 / (1.0 + (-pow(10.0, (-1.0/kCTCoefficient)))) |
inverse concave/convex transform correction factor at x = 1
const double kCTCorrFactorUnity = 1.0 / (1.0 + kCTCoefficient*log10(1.0 + kCTCorrFactorZero)) |
concave/convex transform correction factor at x = 1
const double kCTCorrFactorZero = pow(10.0, (-1.0/kCTCoefficient)) |
concave/convex transform correction factor at x = 0
const double kPi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899 |
pi to 80 decimal places
const double kTwoPi = 2.0*3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899 |
2pi to 80 decimal places