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aax_source Directory Reference


file  AAXPluginDescribe.cpp
 static description file for the monolithic plugin paradigm; note that these functions are not part of any object
file  AAXPluginDescribe.h [code]
 static description file for the monolithic plugin paradigm; this code is based heavily on the monolithic plugin example code in the SDK.
file  AAXPluginGUI.cpp
 implmentation file for the AAXPluginGUI object which creates and destroys the ASPiK GUI object as well as pumps synchronized parameter change information as part of the monolithic parameter update loop.
file  AAXPluginGUI.h [code]
 interface file for the AAXPluginGUI object which creates and destroys the ASPiK GUI object as well as pumps synchronized parameter change information as part of the monolithic parameter update loop.
file  AAXPluginParameters.cpp
 implementation file for the AAXPluginParameters object; this code is based heavily off of the monolithic plugin example in the AAX SDK but custom fit to include the ASPiK kernel objects in a tight synchronization.
file  AAXPluginParameters.h [code]
 interface file for the AAXPluginParameters object; this code is based heavily off of the monolithic plugin example in the AAX SDK but custom fit to include the ASPiK kernel objects in a tight synchronization.
file  AAXtoVSTGUIButtonState.h [code]
 provided by AVID in the VSTGUI example in SDK
file  AntiLogTaperDelegate.h [code]
 interface and implementation of an anti-log taper object for AAX plugins
file  channelformats.h [code]
 currently unused
file  LogTaperDelegate.h [code]
 interface and implementation of a log taper object for AAX plugins
file  VoltOctaveTaperDelegate.h [code]
 interface and implementation of a volt/octave taper object for AAX plugins