implementation file for the AAXPluginParameters object; this code is based heavily off of the monolithic plugin example in the AAX SDK but custom fit to include the ASPiK kernel objects in a tight synchronization. More...
#include "AAXPluginParameters.h"
#include "AAX_CLinearTaperDelegate.h"
#include "LogTaperDelegate.h"
#include "AntiLogTaperDelegate.h"
#include "VoltOctaveTaperDelegate.h"
#include "channelformats.h"
#include "AAX_CNumberDisplayDelegate.h"
#include "AAX_CDecibelDisplayDelegateDecorator.h"
#include "AAX_CBinaryTaperDelegate.h"
#include "AAX_CBinaryDisplayDelegate.h"
#include "AAX_CUnitDisplayDelegateDecorator.h"
#include "AAX_CStringDisplayDelegate.h"
#include "AAX_MIDIUtilities.h"
#include "AAX_Assert.h"
#include "AAX_CMutex.h"
#include "customcontrols.h"
implementation file for the AAXPluginParameters object; this code is based heavily off of the monolithic plugin example in the AAX SDK but custom fit to include the ASPiK kernel objects in a tight synchronization.