No Matches
Import the Graphics

We will need to import some graphics files to set up the GUI visually. From the earlier GUI mockups you can see that we need a graphics file for the following items:

• background: 450 x 100 px
• knob: we will use the size 42 x 42 for all knob graphics
• mute switch: we will use a toggle switch graphic
• VU meter: we need two graphics files, one for the ON state and one for the OFF state
• the segment button control does not a graphic

Each new ASPiK project comes with some graphic files for you to use in your plugins as well as to use as examples of graphics in VSTGUI4. These files are located in subfolders of the ../project_source/resources/ folder, which is also the storage location for the PluginGUI.uidesc (XML) file. Let's import all of the graphics files at once. First, switch to the "Bitmaps" tab in area D of the GUI Designer. Using the + and - buttons at the bottom of the panel, add the following graphics files to the GUI Designer:

• background: ../project_source/resources/backgrounds/halfspacerack_dark.png
• knob: ../project_source/resources/knobs/chickenhead2.png
• mute switch: ../project_source/resources/buttons/medtoggleswitch.png
• VU meter ON: ../project_source/resources/meters/vuon.png
• VU meter OFF: ../project_source/resources/meters/vuoff.png

Now, your GUI Designer's Bitmaps panel should look like this: