No Matches

The CTextLabel will likely be the most common GUI element on your interface and generally will display static text that does not change. This object is named Label in the GUI designer. You may optionally link this control to a plugin parameter via a controlID value. In this case, the control behaves as a read-only GUI element - the user cannot change its value, they may only observe it.

When you setup a text label object in the GUI designer, you will drag and drop a CTextLabel object onto the canvas. You will then need to set the following parameters in the control’s attribute fields:

• title: the default text that appears in the control; usually this is simply static text that does not change
• font-color: the text color
• back-color: the color behind the text
• frame-color: the color of an outer frame (usually we just make this the same as the back-color
• frame-width: the width of the frame in pixels; when the frame-color and back-color are identical, this attribute has no meaning
• control-tag: the controlID value that links this control to a plugin parameter; not used for static text

There are several more optional style settings that you may apply depending on your personal taste. These attributes are selected or de-selected with check-boxes and the most common two of the styles are:

• transparent: the background of the control is transparent – this is our default setting
• style-shadow-text: adds a shadow to the text; generally avoided today, though it would have looked nice on a website from the mid 1990’s

As with the CTextEdit control, you may simply resize the object with the mouse, stretching and pulling it into the desired size. With auto-sizing turned on, you don’t have to enter any size attributes.